The Blog
All you could ever want to know about James Bond Cars
What type of car does James Bond really drive? and what about the villains? What do they prefer? I take a look at what the data shows
The Ultimate Guide to Pigment Coloring App
Pigment is an adult colouring book app created by Pixite Apps and is available on Android and Apple. As well as hundreds of colouring pages, it has a vibrant community of artists all sharing their creations. I share all the tips and tricks I know.
Could These Temporary Tattoos Be The Solution for Designers Who Can't Settle on a Lifelong Design?
These fancy new temporary tattoos from inkbox could be the solution to your design indecisiveness. Especially great for graphic designers and other creatives.
8 Things You May Have Wondered About Graphic Design
Some of them weird, some wonderful, and some just plain old bizarre questions and answers about Graphic Design.
My Biggest Music Influencers
I take a look at the things that have influenced my listening habits the most in the last year or so.
I'm not talented... and neither is Mo Farrah
You've probably heard of Mo Farrah.
If you haven't, you have either been living under a rock for the last few years, or you don't like sports.
On the off chance you don't know - Mo is an olympic champion for Great Britain. He won both the 5,000 and 10,000 meters in 2012 and 2016.
Shark Movies List - Best, Worst & Scariest Shark Movies
I've picked 7 of the topshark movies and rated them based on their scientific accuracy, fear factor & special effects. Which is your favourite?
3 Photoshop techniques to create killer photo manipulations
Photoshop can also be a daunting tool, especially for beginners. Therefore I've made this handy guide for anyone looking to get into photo manipulation.
My Ultimate Fan Video Recommendation List
What do you do when you've watched your favourite film as many times as you can, or when you have to wait a whole year between seasons of your favourite TV show?
Well, there are a number of things...
81 Free Stock Photos - to use as you like
81 high resolution stock photos (that I took myself) in one bundle to use as you wish.
Canva Won't Make You a Designer
If you've ever used ready-made templates before you may have already come across this problem.
You pick a beautiful template to modify. It looks great, really professional and exactly what you need. However as soon as you start to put your own text and imagery in it suddenly doesn't look as great.
Here's why.
5 Design Hacks for Bloggers [Free eBook]
Have you ever wondered how to make your blog look better?
My free ebook '5 Design Hacks for Bloggers', shows you 5 easy to implement ways to make your blog look more professional and stand out from the crowd.
My Simple Manifesto
The one where I explain why you should give up your precious time to read my blog.
Playing with light photography tutorial
Because of the weather, I decided to do some light painting experiments indoor instead with some interesting and cool results. I've documented how I did it in case it inspires anyone else to have a go.
Sony A7 Camera Test
A few months ago my beloved Canon 5D mark ii died so I've been looking for my next camera. Naturally my next one would be another Canon because I'm used to them and I have a load of Canon lenses etc.
However I decided to go a different direction. I got a Sony A7 for christmas and it is AWESOME!
How I do what I do
I often get asked how I created my paintings or graphics as if it is some magical process, or wonder why how I am 'so talented'. Well, the truth is no big secret. It's simply hard work and practice, practice, practice like any discipline.
Hogwarts in the Snow
A few days ago one of my digital paintings, 'Hogwarts in the Snow', went pretty viral and got to the front page on Reddit. Since then I have had a variety of requests asking if it is available to buy anywhere.
12 Memorable Music Moments in TV
The use of music in television shows can make or break an important scene and over the years there has been some amazing and memorable scenes. Here are 12 of my favourite...